Saturday, June 16, 2012

Staying Busy In Kona

Image Merge surfer-lightness
We have been in Hawaii since the middle of April. Came back to check on the place, attend the Homeowners meeting and set up the loan to purchase the fee for our condo.
The car was dead, then sick for over a month after sitting for 2 years. The dryer died. Both washer and dryer had to be replaced since it was a stacked unit. The living room and hall floor had to be replaced. And I have been sick most of our stay. I’m very allergic to the VOG. It causes me to get major ear aches, flaming red eyes and very congested lungs.
Carl has been taking care of all the “honey dos” around the place and dealing with the head aches of the car.
As for me, I spent most of my time working on 5 photo books for our God Daughter who had twin girls last October. Here is a link to the main Photo book of the girls.
We had a wonderful time visiting with them.
We should be out of Hawaii in a couple of weeks and back on the road soon. The next big trip is to Nova Scotia with other Road Trekers.

Monday, January 30, 2012

First Month of 52 Week Challenge


I am a self taught Digital Scrapbooker. It has become a passion over the years and it is great outlet for my creative side and a wonderful way to record the memories as my husband and I travel around the US. I’m always looking to improve my skills. This challenge is to create a Digital layout each week for a year. I really want to work on learning more about designing so instead of layouts I’m learning more about the tools needed for design.  These are the results for the first four weeks of 2012. My intent is to post the result of my lessons at the end of each month. Connectivity is always a problem when we are on the road but I ‘ ll get it posted as close to the end of the month as I can.

Week One

WK 1 TW  Col w daisy n clouds-001

Week Two

WK 2_Dali Museum LO

Week Three

Wk 3 Hands BW Flow word art12x12

Week FourWk 5 Manatee Springs w Manatee Art LO_ed 2


Week One – Professional photo from the parents taken by Kinder Image, Background photo in my stash of freebies.

Week Two – All photographs taken by me. Journaling tag by Distant Memories

Week Three – Professional photo from the parents taken by Kinder Image. Overlays  Antiquing Pack by Designs By Lauren at DSP and Word Art by Elegant WA by Bethany

Week Four – All Photographs taken by me. Manatee was a photograph of a poster.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Manatee Springs State Park, Chiefland, Florida

Manatee Springs SP FL-002

We stumbled upon this State Park and were beckoned to stop for the chance to see Manatees. We had only gone about 40 miles for the day but this park was a gem and we wanted to check it out.  We were delighted with what we found. The springs area were gorgeous and there were swimmers. Although it was beautiful it looked cold. They assured us it was room temperature.Manatee Springs SP FL-003

There was a half mile trail to the river that was gorgeous. The reflections were awesome and the shoreline held many little surprises.

Manatee Springs SP FL-004

It only got better as we walked along.

Manatee Springs SP FL-005Manatee Springs SP FL-006Manatee Springs SP FL-007

At the end of the trail there is a gazebo, where you can sit and take in nature. We did see a few noses and backs of manatees but they were a distance away. Our Kodak moment came when one of the “chicken hawks” landed right next to us. The black spots in the trees and in the sky are hundreds of chicken hawks. They are scavengers so the area must provide them with enough food but we just saw them either sitting or swooping.

Note to my scrapping friends. The layouts were all down with My Memories program. It quick and easy, a pure joy to use. Really loving it.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dali Museum in St. Petersburg

Dali MuseumDali Museum 1-14-2012

We went to the “official” Dali museum in Spain in 1971. It was a very small Museum but we were fascinated with the scope of his talent. What a thrill it is for us to be able to see Dali’s work here in the United States. It was a very cool day so the museum was very crowded which frustrated us at times but it still was a wonderful experience and  plan to go back and visit again.