Saturday, November 24, 2007

9/27/07 Ohare Airport - Elkhart, Indiana We're On Our Way

We arrived in Chicago at 4:30 in the morning. The plan was to drive the rental car to Elkhart, Indiana to pick up the Motor Home. The rental agency had trouble finding the car they assigned to us. We were finally on our way but, oh joy, it is now rush hour in down town Chicago. Not bad but it still was an experience.

On the toll road to Elkhart the fog was sooooo thick. This went on forever - We actually heard, than saw a three car accident that happened on the opposite side.

Our fast food breakfast didn't want to stay with us either so many stops later we finally arrrived in Elkhart.

We are using a GPS system in the laptop. I practiced at home but boy is it different in real time. If she says "off course" one more time I'm going to scream.

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9/26/07 We're Off to get our Honu Hale

We're off to Elkhart, Indiana to pick up the Motor Home. It's finally ready. Yeah can't wait.

It looks like we have tons of luggage - we do - 8 bags for two people. Two of them are lap tops and the big red one has linens and pots and stuff for the kitchen. Stillllll!!!!!!

Stayed overnight in Honolulu - had to see the eye doctor. She's not going to be there when we get back.

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